Aluś podesłał nam informację, że Mandrake szykuje się do wypuszczenia na rynek kolejnych akcji. Blisko rok po wejściu na giełdę, Mandrake postanowiło zwiększyć swój kapitał z 3’407’661 do 5’111’491 akcji (jedna akcja jest warta około 2.40 euro). Do 11 lipca można zapisywać się na akcje nowej serii, które dla subskrybentów, będą dostępne po 2.10 euro. Może warto zainwestować w biznes linuksowy? Więcej informacji na ten temat oraz formularze do zapisów znajdziecie tutaj, zaś informację rozesłaną przez Mandrake – poniżej.
Newsletter Flash: MandrakeSoft increase of capital.
In only three years of development, MandrakeSoft has positioned itself as one of the three leading worldwide Linux producers & publishers. Since the company recentered its focus on Linux in April 2001, and despite a difficult economic climate, the company has achieved solid increase in revenues and cost reductions.
In order to preserve the company's growth while reaching the break-even point before the end of the year, MandrakeSoft is currently conducting an increase of capital with a special warrant system ("Rights Issue") that is available to all MandrakeSoft shareholders.
When the Mandrake Linux Users Club was launched, many people expressed their desire to become MandrakeSoft shareholders but complained that it was difficult to do so. With this new operation, it is a fairly easy process for everyone to buy MandrakeSoft shares once a current shareholder agrees to transfer his warrants.
Several shareholders have agreed to transfer their rights for the new stock in priority to Club Members. This means that any Club member who is interested in becoming a shareholder can buy MandrakeSoft shares at a special fixed price. The process is very simple: just sign a form, send the funds, and receive the new shares.
Since the number of warrants is not unlimited, and the operation is for a limited time only, the rule is "first come, first served".
Details of the operation are described here:
For Club members, the process is described here:
To learn more about the Club:
More about MandrakeSoft's position on the Linux market is available at:
What is the value of MandrakeSoft? Many Questions/Answers about the offer are available at:
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