Właśnie została ogłoszona kolejna wersja sterowników do drukarek HP o numerku porządkowym 0.8. Sterowniki przygotowane przez projekt HPOJ służą do obsługi tzw. kombajnow biurowych, czyli urządzeń będacych jednocześnie drukarką, skanerem, kopiarką, faxem, etc…
Nowa wersja oferuje poprawioną obsługę zarówno USB jak i standardowego portu równoległego, oraz skanowanie dla wielu modeli drukarek nie objętych projektem SANE.
Projekt HPOJ jest wprawdzie niezależny od HP i oparty na zasadach GNU, ale uzyskuje od HP wsparcie w postaci dokumentacji i sprzętu. Ponizej zamieszczamy oryginalny list od maintainera HPOJ.

  Hi,    I'm pleased to announce that version 0.8 of the HP OfficeJet Linux driver  (hpoj) is now available at http://hpoj.sourceforge.net.    Major changes include the following:    - A completely new low-level I/O driver, with new USB support and greatly    improved parallel-port support for both the MLC and 1284.4 protocols.  - Enhanced support for peripherals connected to HP JetDirect print servers.  - New command-line scanning application for the following models not yet    supported by SANE:    - OfficeJet 500, 600, 700, and T series;    - PSC 300 series;    - LaserJet 1100A, 1220, and 3200 series.  - Broader model support and updated appearance for the xojpanel application,    which can now co-exist with other applications or copies of itself.  - Greatly improved installation process and documentation.    I would like to thank all of the people who over the last five months have  helped test and provided feedback on the CVS development version of this  new release.  Those of you who would prefer a stable version are encouraged  to migrate to this new release, especially if you've had problems with  earlier versions.    In addition, I will be at the LinuxWorld Expo (San Francisco) August 28-30,  2001, demonstrating this new version of the hpoj software in the HP booth.  If you are attending this show, then be sure to stop by and say "hello".  :-)    Please post questions, problem reports, or other feedback to the hpoj-devel  mailing list.  Thank you for your interest in this project.    David Paschal (david_paschal@hp.com and paschal@rcsis.com)  August 7, 2001  

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