Fundacja na rzecz Wolnej Infrastruktury Informacyjnej zajmuje się obecnie walką przeciwko wprowadzeniu patentów na funkcjonalności oprogramowania w Europie. W związku z wtorkowym sukcesem w postaci decyzji polskiego rządu przeciwko owym patentom, chcemy rozwinąć podobne działania w możliwie dużej liczbie krajów. Poszukujemy w związku z tym osoby (najlepiej bezrobotnej) która by w sposób ciągły zajmowała się wyszukiwaniem wolontariuszy dla konkretnych zadań w FFII.

Postaramy się zapewnić zaspokojenie życiowych potrzeb egzystencjalnych jeśli będzie taka potrzeba, jednak nie jest to praca dla pieniędzy ale dla idei. FFII na pewno może pokryć koszty telekomunikacyjne związane z tym zadaniem, natomiast dalsze szczegóły do uzgodnienia. Najważniejsze by osoba ta potrafiła tak zachęcić wolontariuszy z wszelkich krajów by dołączyli aktywnie i od zaraz do naszych działań, a nie znikli po pierwszym kontakcie 🙂 Potrzeba takiego managera jest szczególnie paląca w tej chwili gdy sukces w postaci naprawdę dobrej, zabraniającej patentów na funkcjonalności oprogramowania, dyrektywy wydaje się znów możliwy, a strategie stosowane przez FFII okazały się skuteczne. Manager którego szukamy powinien móc więc rozpocząć działalność praktycznie od dziś.

Poniżej szerszy opis po angielsku:

Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure is an organization currently allocating most of its resources to the fight against software patents in the European Union.

Encouraged by recent sucessess and a need for an even greater political impact of our activism we are looking for a person that would be auqiring and managing volounteers. We often have many possible tasks which wait for someone to take them. In the very imediate future of the next few weeks, it would be very useful to have a few people in countries which might reconsider their 18 May vote, to put pressure in those countries.

In some countries, like Latvia or Netherlands we have people doing the job. In many others like Denmark, Slovenia we have almost nobody, and in many some people with real time capabilities are needed (like Spain, Greece etc). One of the tasks of the manager would be to find the most appropieate person/people in these countries, to sense who will realy have enthusiasm and time, etc.

We sometimes send a mailing to thousands of our supporters to ask for help, and usually get around 0.1% response rate. And then we reply to them with some ideas of tasks that they might pick-up only to never hear from them again. The manager (let’s call him HRM for Human Resources Manager), would have the job of writing or phonecalling to them in a way to not frighten them, as I usually probably do 🙂 but to fill them with enthusiasm and enourage them so some of them so join us, instead of running away.

Another task of the HRM would be to manage the existing volounteers we have all around Europe, and check from time to time which tasks are really beeing worked on, and which probably need a different taker. HRM would be someone who would have an overview which tasks desperately need taking, and where maybe some people somewhere are doing something not so important, and might consider to switch.

The job is not fixed anywhere geographically. We would need this person to be located at a good internet connection, suitable for Voice over IP phonecalling. Most of the persons work would be done over the internet. Some computing skills would be nessesary like editing wikipages, and capability to query a database would be helpful.

I don’t write about financial details of that job, but let me put it this way: this is not a job to be done for money, but a job for someone to do it becasue of the love of freedom of information. But we understand you cannot eat an idea or live in it, so we will try to arrange something about it if needed. But for this to be affordable for us, we would probably locate this person in eastern part of our continent where life is cheaper. The person does not nessesairly have to come from EU, people from for example Ukraine or India are also acceptable as long as they speak english well, speaking in another language like french or german might be helpful too. Telephone and Internet connection costs can certainly be covered by FFII.

Jan Macek
contact details:
tel.: +48888299997 Poland
tel.: +48607895828 Poland
tel.: +32486233396 Bruxelles (try Poland first)
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