Wszystkich wykorzystujących libSDL (używanej do tworzenia gier i aplikacji multimedialnych) w swojej codziennej pracy na pewno ucieszy wiadomość o pojawieniu się nowych wersji bibliotel SDL_image, SDL_mixer, SDL_ttf i SDL_net.
Pełniejszy changelog zamieszczamy poniżej. To, na co zwróciłem szczególną uwagę, to kilka poprawek poprawiających stabilność wszystkich bibliotek, dodanie wsparcia dla bibliotek dzielonych w systemie MacOS X oraz umożliwienie wysyłania pakietów broadcastowych UDP przy wykorzystaniu SDL_net.

Nowe wersje można ściągnąć ze stron

  From Mon Mar 10 00:14:13 2003  Date: Sun, 09 Mar 2003 13:23:16 -0800  From: Sam Lantinga   Reply-To:  To:  Subject: [SDL] New releases: SDL_image, SDL_mixer, SDL_net, SDL_ttf    Announcing the latest releases of the SDL helper libraries:    SDL_image 1.2.3   * Fixed memory leak with non-seekable SDL_RWops   * Added 24-bit support to the ILBM format loader   * Added shared library support for MacOS X   * The JPEG loader can now load EXIF format JPEG images   * The XCF loader now ignores invisible layers and channels    SDL_mixer 1.2.5   * Worked around MacOS X deadlock between CoreAudio and QuickTime   * Fixed crash in native midi code with files with more than 32 tracks   * Added 8SVX format support to the AIFF loader   * Fixed volume control on WAVE music chunks   * Fixed volume control on MOD music chunks   * Added support for the Atari platform   * Patch from Steven Fuller to fix panning effect with 8-bit sounds.   * Patch from guy on 3DRealms forums to fix native win32 midi volume.   * Small, looping music samples should now be able to fade out correctly.   * Added shared library support for MacOS X   * Correctly report an error when using an unknown filetype   * Added support for loading Ogg Vorbis samples as an audio chunk   * Fixed to start playing another sample immediately when one finishes   * Fixed a volume bug when calling Mix_HaltChannel() on unused channel   * Fixed volume reset bug at end of channel fade.   * Mix_LoadMUS() will now accept an MP3 by file extension    SDL_net 1.2.5   * Added support for sending UDP broadcast packets (except on MacOS Classic)   * Added shared library support for MacOS X   * It is now safe to nest calls to SDLNet_Init() / SDLNet_Quit()   * Fixed UDP virtual address bind bug    SDL_ttf 2.0.6   * Fixed UNICODE endian issues, added TTF_ByteSwappedUNICODE()   * Added iconv() support to showfont to test UNICODE endian issues   * Fixed memory corruption problem with small point sizes   * Added initial .fon support to SDL_ttf   * Fixed wrapping bug with negative horizontal bearing   * Fixed TTF_RenderGlyph_Solid() to use the bitmap instead of pixmap   * Added shared library support for MacOS X   * Added TTF_WasInit() to see if the library has been initialized   * Added a version number so runtime version checking is possible   * Added the ability to load a font from an SDL_RWops stream    Thanks to everybody who made these releases possible! :)    Enjoy,  	-Sam Lantinga, Software Engineer, Blizzard Entertainment    

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