Free Software Foundation poszukuje dodatkowej osoby mogącej pomóc w koordynowaniu ochotników pracujących nad dokumentacją oraz oprogramowaniem GNU – tak zaczyna się mail od Hugo Gayosso z FSF… Jeśli masz trochę wolnego czasu, chcesz zrobić coś dla społeczności OpenSource, a przy okazji zyskać piękny adres e-mail w domenie, skontaktuj się z fundacją… Pełna treść maila od Hugo – poniżej…

  The FSF is looking for an additional person to help out with coordinating the volunteers working on GNU software and  documentation.     The volunteer coordinator job involves reading and handling messages from people offering to help out, sending them  information such as the coding standards or the task list, recording what they want to work on and their progress, putting  people in touch with others who are working on related tasks, and telling other people in the GNU project when a  completed package is available.     We hope to have three coordinators, who would divide up the job, each spending two or three hours per week. It is  important for coordinators to stick to the job in a responsible way for a long time; it causes problems when they come  and go.     If you are interested in volunteering to be a coordinator, please send email to 

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