Co roku Australia jest gospodarzem konferencji Linux.Conf.Au. Nie inaczej było i tym razem – co więcej, podczas konferencji cały czas pracowały mikrofony, które nagrywały wszystkie wykłady. Nagrania w formacie Ogg Speex, a także prezentacje i wszystkie inne materiały związane z konferencją, umieszczono na krążku, którego obraz ISO można już pobrać z sieci. Zapraszamy do kopiowania.

  MEDIA STATEMENT    For immediate release      Tuesday, 8th April 2003      PERTH, Western Australia: Linux.Conf.Au 2003 is pleased to present the finale  of the 2003 conference - the online version of the conference proceedings.    During the conference in January 2003, the audio of each session of the  conference was recorded into Ogg Speex format. These recordings have been  placed onto the conference proceedings CD-ROM, along with copies of the  presentations, abstracts, and other files related to the presentations. The  conference CD-ROMs will be posted to each delegate who attended the conference.  In the meantime, the ISO image of the CD-ROM is being distributed online from a  number of mirror sites, the list of which can be seen at:    (Please note that in accordance to domain policy, the domain name has now expired, but will return soon for the 2004 conference.)    Linux.Conf.Au wishes to thank all who attended, and hopes everyone will return  to Adelaide in 2004.    

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