Firma Progeny Linux Systems ogłosiła koniec tworzenia dystrybucji Progeny Debian. Podstawową motywacją tej decyzji jest chęć zachowania zgodności z właściwą dystrubucją Debiana. Z perspektywy technicznej, niemal wszystkie udoskonalenia przedstawione przez nas w Debianie Progeny istnieją lub są podobne do tych które można znalećź w Debianie, więc staje się zbędne inwestowanie w zasoby potrzebne do rozwijania udoskonalonej wersji Progeny. Twórcy Progeny obiecali, że w dalszym ciągu będą wspomagali aktywnie rozwój Debiana i oferowali techniczne wsparcie dla tej dystrybucji.

Treść pożegnalnego komunikatu:

Progeny Debian
As of October 1,2001 Progeny has ceased development on its Progeny Debian product; there will be no further releases of the product, and all direct sales of the product will end October 15, 2001. (For a limited time, Progeny Debian will continue to be available for purchase from select distributors. Visit for more information.) For recent purchasers of the Progeny Debian boxed product, the 30-day free telephone and 90-day free email support included with the product will remain available until December 31, 2001; for all users of Progeny Debian, a migration path to Debian woody will be provided by the end of October, and support for Progeny Debian will continue to be available from Progeny on a per-incident and contract basis, just as it is today for Debian and other variants (e.g., Corel Linux).
The primary motivation for this decision is our desire for convergence with Debian proper. From a technical perspective, nearly all of the features we introduced in Progeny Debian have found or are finding their way into Debian, and it is thus becoming increasingly unnecessary for us to continue investing the resources required to maintain a separate „Progeny enhanced” version.
From a business perspective, our customers consistently ask for Debian, not Progeny Debian, and while Progeny Debian is technically just a „release” of Debian (akin to „potato” or „woody” from the Debian project), the appearance of maintaining a separate or „forked” version is a liability given our company’s shift away from a mass-market product and service focus and toward consulting and other professional services.
Progeny will continue to help further the development and adoption of Debian in commercial settings, and we will continue to contribute enhancements to Debian that help Debian become a more viable platform for commercial users. This announcement only affects Progeny Debian the product; it in no way affects Progeny’s ongoing commitment to the Debian project or its Debian deployment, custom development, and support services for commercial users.
For more information about migrating from Progeny Debian to Debian woody, or about support for Debian or Progeny Debian after December 31, 2001, please visit our technical support Web page. For more general questions, please contact Steve Schafer.

Ian Murdock
Progeny Linux Systems

Steve Schafer
President and CEO
Progeny Linux Systems
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