Przed chwilą otrzymaliśmy informację o wystawach i konferencjach, które odbędą się na terenie sąsiadujących z nami Niemiec, a na których będzie można spotkać się również z miłośnikami Debiana. Jest to niepowtarzalna okazja, żeby podpisać sobie klucz GPG, porozmawiać z aktywnymi uczestnikami projektu, a także poszerzyć swoją wiedzę o nim. Pełna treść otrzymanego przez nas maila – poniżej.

  Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2001 11:40:54 +0200  From: Martin Schulze   Subject: Debian Expo and Conference Week in Germany    ------------------------------------------------------------------------  The Debian Project                        Debian Expo and Conference Week in Germany      October 8th, 2001  ------------------------------------------------------------------------    This week and the next one is going to be a busy one for the German  part of the Debian Project.  There are three exhibitions and  conferences taking place.  The Debian Project will have a presence at  all of them.    We invite all interested people in the respective areas to attend  these events, meet Debian developers and users, exchange GnuPG  fingerprints, discuss various topics on Debian and Free Software, and  otherwise participate in our vibrant community.         October 11th - 13th      Wizard of OS (Berlin)             More info:               The Debian project is going to participate with a Q&A             panel, maintained by Steffen Evers.  A booth and another             talk is being discussed currently.       October 13th - 14th      Linux Weekend (Kassel)             More info:               The Debian project will be present with both a talk and a             workshop, held by our own Michael 'grisu' Bramer.       October 15th - 19th      Systems 2001 (Munich)             More info:               We will be present with a booth of our own, staffed with some             of our Munich developers.  

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