Pojawiła się nowa wersja powstającego w ramach projektu FREE e-democracy oprogramowania zapewniającego bezpieczeństwo oraz wiarygodność głosowań. Napisany w Javie GNU.FREE 1.6 posiada kilka udogodnień w porównaniu z wersją poprzednią – jego główną zaletą jest dodanie wsparcia dla wielu języków. Skróconą wersję changeloga zamieszczam poniżej.

  + Internationalisation support has been added the FreeClient with 9 languages now  available.  + Logs have tamper resistance due to a message digest system. Using FreeTest the  administrator can check to see which line of the logs tampering began at.  + The central data structures have been improved to remove large amounts of redundant  and/or repeated code.  + GNU.FREE now has out of the box support for PostgeSQL and MySQL, with the installer  providing all the setup you need to talk to them.  + FreeInstall now supports multiple ports so that RTServer and ERServer can be run on the  same physical machine - for test purposes.  + Test Ballots can now be created. These are used to prove that voting XXXX actually  registers XXXX in the RTServer. This system is blind until the final step to stop a test  vote being registered as a real vote.  + The GNU.FREE Testing Suite (FreeTest) has been massively updated to support stress  testing with the new security architectures developed over the last few versions. It also  generates test data for importing into the servers.  + Menus have been added to the server interfaces making regular use more streamlined.  + The log console display has been vastly improved with the inclusion of auto-scrolling,  word-wrap and the long awaited return of colour!  + Automated Electoral Roll data import has been implemented. Data is read in the CSV  format.  

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